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18. Overview of Order Management Process

This is a Process Management lab in which will implement an Order Management process. The process will use BPMN2 constructs like Swimlanes, User Tasks, Gateways, combined with decision-based routing based on a DMN Model (Decision Model & Notation). It also introduces more dynamic concepts of the IBM Business Automation Open Edition 8.0 process engine, like dynamic assignments of tasks based on process instance data.

18.1 Goals

  • Create an Order Management project in IBM Business Automation Open Edition 8.0
  • Define and create the process' domain model using the platform’s Data Modeller.
  • Implement an order management process in the process designer
  • Implement decision logic in a DMN model.
  • Create forms with the platform’s Form Modeller.
  • Deploy the project to the platform’s Execution Server.
  • Execute the end-to-end process.

18.2 Pre-reqs

  • Successful completion of the Environment Setup Lab or
  • An existing, accessible, DM/PAM 7.3+ environment.

18.3 Problem Statement

In this lab we will create an Order Management process that manages the process of ordering a new phone or laptop.

  • Start the process by providing the order information.
  • The supplier sends an offer stating the expected delivery date and its best offer.
  • Depending on the urgency of the urgency and the price, the order can be auto-approved by a DMN decision.
  • If the order is not auto-approved, the manager needs to complete an approval step.

Last update: 2024-08-08