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44. Getting started bc

44.1 Importing a DMN in Business Central

If you want to try this in Business Central, you can go through the following steps, but it is not required.

  1. From the GitHub web page, click Clone or download on the right and then select Download ZIP:

  2. Using your favorite file system navigation tool, locate the downloaded ZIP file and unzip it to a directory in your file system.

    • From this point forward, this location is referred to as $PROJECT_HOME.
  3. Log in to Business Central. You can use either {{ bamAdmin }}:{{ bamPass }} to do so or whatever login you have created on your instance.

  4. Create a project in Business Central called policy-price.

  5. In the empty project library view for the policy-price project, click Import Asset.

    Policy Pricing Import Asset

  6. In the Create new Uploaded file dialog, enter insurance-pricing.dmn in the Uploaded file field:

    Filled out import

  7. Using the browse button at the far right of the field labeled Please select a file to upload, navigate with the file browser to the $PROJECT_HOME directory where the unzipped Git repository is located.

  8. Select the $PROJECT_HOME\policy-price\insurance-pricing.dmn file.

  9. Click Ok to import the DMN asset.

  10. The diagram will open and you will be able to see the DRD. Explore the diagram nodes to check the decision policies of this diagram.

    Pricing DRD

  11. Close the diagram. You should now be on the library view for the policy-price project.

  12. You should see the insurance-pricing asset is added to your project assets:

    Pricing imported

  13. From the policy-price project’s library view, click Build, then Deploy to deploy the project to the execution server.

  14. After receiving the build confirmation, navigate to the container deployment list by clicking the "View deployment details" link in the confirmation pop-up, or by selecting Menu → Deploy → Execution Servers.

  15. Verify that policy-price_2.0.0 shows a green status:

    Container deployed for DMN in KIE Server

44.2 Testing the Decision Service on KIE Server

In this section, you test the DMN solution using the REST endpoints available in the Decision Server (a.k.a. KIE Server).

  1. Open your Decision Server (a.k.a KIE Server) on the url "/docs". You should see something like this:

    Swagger Home

  2. Next, under DMN Models, click on the POST /server/containers/{containerId}/dmn" and select "Try it out":

Post to KIE

  1. Now use the following data:

  2. Container ID: policy-price

  3. Body (dmn context): {"dmn-context": {"Age": 20, "had previous incidents": false}}
  4. Parameter content type: application/json

Swagger DMN

  1. Click on the execute button. You should see the server response 200 and the results of the decision.

    DMN Post Result

  2. Try out the Decision with different values for the age and accident history, and compare the results with the decision table:

Modify DT Values

Last update: 2024-12-03